One of them will become the next president of the United States of America. With the current financial mess in Wall Street which according to Warren Buffet is the financial Pearl Harbor of the current financial mess of the big boys in Wall Street and the War in Iraq paving the way to tough economic times. it is crucial that the American voters in this next Presidential Election must pay attention how they think, what they are saying, what kind of policies and solutions they will bring to solve the current financial mess, how to end the war in Iraq and how they will deal with some trouble spots in the world that can erupt at any given point of time, and when our national debts is 65% of our Gross National Product our country in this time of financial, military, and economic constraints, there are not much wiggle room to maneuver for the next president to get us out of our current problems. Last night was the first round of the three debates. Let us all register and vote and focus our attention in electing the best man for the job of the President of the United States during this difficult times.
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